
COP26 meeting with Jayne Bryant and John Griffiths

Politics and Geography learners discuss COP26 with local Senedd Members

29 October 2021

¾ٳٳ󾱲-Ǵھcoming up, werecentlygotourA LevelGovernment and Politicslearners andALevel Geographylearnersto seriously consider what they’d liketo see fromthe conference. There are so many aspects of climate change that we’re passionate about at91ɫ,from embeddingsustainabilityin our new campus developments to educating the future workforce inelectric vehicle technology. Solast week, our learnerswere giventheuniqueopportunityto speak to local Senedd Members who will be attending the conference, to express their thoughts on climate change anddiscussthe topics they’d like the conferenceaddress.

LocalSeneddmembers John Griffiths and Jayne Bryant metvirtuallywitha group ofstudents to hear the priorities and issues they want to see tackled at the upcoming COP26.Both Jayne and John will be attending the conference in Glasgow in their roles as Chairs of key Senedd committees. As well as quizzing their elected representatives,ourGeography and Politics students were also posed questions by John and Jayne, with the discussion including topics such as the accessibility and affordability of public transport, taking steps to eat less animal products, and the recent protests by groups such as Insulate Britain.

Following the discussion,Ffion Burton, this year’s Chair of our PoliticsSocietyexplained that: “COP26 has givenhope to us young people that there may finally be some action against climate change. It is needed now more than ever to acknowledge this issue and for countries all over the globe to work together at such a crucial moment.It is reassuring that people like John and Jayne are working with the younger generation to find out our views and to hopefully spread awareness of this issue even further.”

With COP26 starting on Sunday 31stOctober, the meeting was a fantasticandtimelyopportunity for our learners to have their voices heardahead of the summit.These are the kind of experiences we tie into our courses and curriculum at 91ɫ toenrichyourlearning experience.

Labour candidate for Newport East John Griffiths

John said: “Tackling the Climate Emergency is the most serious challenge our generation faces – not just in Wales and the UK, but across the planet. COP26 is a huge opportunity for countries to come together and commit to working together and find solutions to both reduce carbon emissions and protect our environment.

Our young people are the future – and they must be listened to by world leaders. Their ideas to fight back against climate change must be acted upon at this conference. By failing to do so, we will be letting them down.”

Jayne Bryant

Jayne commented: “John and I were inspired by our discussion with 91ɫ students last week. It was a fantastic meeting and it is so clear that young people’s voices need to be heard. We owe it to this generation – and the generations that will come next – to make a better future. The climate crisis really is central to that.

At COP26, politicians must have vision and ambition to address the climate and nature emergency. Young voices in Wales will continue to demand those things at every possible occasion; it is the duty of world leaders to listen.”

Meeting local Senedd Members to discuss COP26 allowed our learners to apply their learning and understanding of politics, geography and the environment to real world issues, exploring how they can have a real impact by making their voices heard. Find out more about studying Government, Politics and Geography at ournext Open Event.